Say "hello" to my FAIL ash blonde hair

Oye! After 10 decades I finally had a chance to blog again. (sniffs*) I just came from my Baguio trip for 2 days and 2 nights. (will tell you more about my trip in my next post) 
I've been eyeing girls with an ash blonde hair for a long time and wanted to have my hair colored with ash blonde too. So there, I called it a fail ash blonde because it colored the roots of my hair only, but having this kind of color in my hair made my hair looked longer :p 
And now I want it curled permanently but maybe some other time... T.T 
The reason I haven't been blogging for weeks is because I'm working on with my thesis. Just so you know, I'm still a Development Studies junior student and it happens that my zombie nights aren't over yet until our defense is over. So there, pray for me and my thesis partner! :)) I LABS you all! 

how it looks like (outdoor)

how it looks like (indoor)

P.S. My header image was made by Ms. Anna Li. If you happened to like what she did in my header image you can ask her to customize one for you too. Here's her deviant art account:
By the way, the girl in the header image is me! I just forgot where I've put the unedited one. Heehee :))) 


  1. hi! :)) just so you know, you're one of the 15 I tagged for the stylish blogger award. You deserve it :)

  2. Hi. I'm just a new blogger, not even stylish. But I still thank you for choosing me as one of the stylish blogger that you admire. To God be the Glory! :))


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