New Day

What’s up with my new hat? Though technically it’s a pre-loved it’s still new in my eyes :P I remember wearing this bowler hat throughout a long walk with my friend in Katipunan and a kid inside a tric said “HAHAHA! Witch!” then I was like “UGH. Am I gonna kill this kid or not? :|” Hahaha. If only… XD
But all in all that long walk is really great I had fun teaching my friend about panning even I wasn’t good at it. TEEHEE! I scared him a lot for him to be pushed to learn how to shoot but still learning is a process. Even I is still confused on how to play with the settings and basically do experiments which is my favorite. TEEHEE :DD I didn’t want to talk a lot about the bowler hat for now because I still have to find out what look would the bowler hat would most likely suit. Bohemian, isn’t it? Err, I quite suck at styling :/ 


Finally got my ribbon necklaces and turban. Aside from the yellow ribbon necklace that I bought from Little Miss Posh I also purchased a red polka dot one which I can’t wait to wear for my next look. Hihi :> I’m currently fond of ribbons, turbans and laces. It really helps me to drive my look into vintage styling. 

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